"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sexy and I know it

Mel, Jac and the family came to visit for spring break.  It was so fun to have them here. 
 While they were here we celebrated Aidans birthday by going bowling at fat cats.

The birthday boy...he is quite the bowler

Bos is such a goof.  This was the face he would pull when he was told to smile.  He looks a little creepy:)

We requested the song I'm Sexy and I Know It...which at the time was one of Aidans favorites.  This is when they announced the song was for him and wished him a happy birthday over the intercom.  Shortly after he was busting a move.  This man just can't help but move when he hears music.

Boston shaking his booty

Tanner and Jackson.  I was shocked these boys actually smiled instead of pulling crazy faces.

Boston getting ready to bowl...what a goof ball

We had so much fun.  I love when Mel comes and visits but is sucks when they leave.  Hopefully they will be close again soon.  We just have way too much fun when we all get together.

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