"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lady Utes

Well I am playing the proud aunt right now.  Abby has loved softball for a while now.  And she has always been very good.  Well this year she tried out and made ait on the traveling softball team the Lady Utes.  Vernal is surrounded by ute indian country...so unfortunately their high school and most teams are the Uintah Utes.  Having been a huge BYU fan my whole life you can imagine how difficult it is to cheer for the lady utes...and wear the red.  But this has proved that we will do anything for these crazy kids.  So Amy and I both broke down and bought utah ute shirts to wear to her tournament this last weekend to show our support...and it stung...A LOT!  I will say I was proud to get through it without saying go utes.  I think that would have made me vomit.  I just yelled for Lou and the ladies:)

Lou warming up

She is their only lefty.  She had some good hitting

leading off from first base

And she is home!

Love this picture.  She plays left field and she was all ready.  Also you can see all the dust from the insane winds they had to play in.  It gives it a cool look.

Me and Lou


Amy got to avoid pictures in her shirt because she wore it the day before.  But yes this is hard to look at and hard to post for the world to see.  I really must love that Lou Frew.

Gag me!  Amy cracks me up cause she was trying to look as if she was throwing up through the U...but Justin snapped the picture a little too soon.  And again you can see the crazy winds.

Lou did so good.  Her team played 5 games and in the freaking 100 degree weather.  They are going to be a tough team.  And Lou is seriously a natural.  I am definitely a proud aunt and can't wait to see her in the next tournament next month.

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