"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Amy and Roy the second time around

Amy and Roy got sealed on their anniversary.  It was great to have everyone here and share such a wonderful day with them.

The happy couple

Look at all these crazy kids!  I love being an aunt.  I have the best bunch of goof balls as nieces and nephews.  I think they get their looks from me:)

Handsome boys

Lou in her beautiful baptism dress.  It was her birthday too and she looked as beautiful as the bride

Love this smile

These boys sure have a good time when they get together

Fun in the bushes

The kids thought it was great to be able to play on the stairs of the Temple

Lou got baptized the next weekend.  She is such a cutie!  I love this girl.

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