"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Memorial Day

Man I am just on a roll!  We are all the way to Memorial Day.  I love Memorial Day.  I have been raised to be proud to be an American and to appreciate those who have defended my liberty.  Since I can remember Aunt Norma (Grandma Frews sister) and Jan (her daughter) would come to Utah for Memorial Day.  We would get the flowers and plan the visits and we would make it to everyones graves.  It used to be that I would just go along to spend time with them and Grandma and Grandpa.  Grandpa would take us all over the Hooper cemetary and show us people we were related to.  Then we would have a huge family BBQ.  Grandpa loved his BBQ's.  It is what I miss most on these holidays.  Sadly the last few years it seems like there are more and more to visit.  I still spent Memorial Day with Grandma and Grandpa and even Aunt Norma but I sure don't like it this way.  I am so grateful for those who have made it so I can live in a free country and I am grateful to have been raised in a family that taught me what a blessing it is.

Aunt Norma in Hooper

Jim...Jans husband in Hooper

Grandma and Grandpa

and another...it just still doesn't seem right.

This is my cousin Tyler.  Sadly we lost him not long ago.  His headstone was not in yet but I am so glad Sharon and Gay put this up for him.  He is truly missed.  Another one that just doesn't seem real quite yet.

On Sunday night we go to Salt Lake to Grandpa Lloyds grave and have cookies as a family.  This year I added some cheeseballs to the tradition...which is kind of a inside joke with the Wallis family.  I just couldn't resist knowing they would be there:)

Not a good picture at all but for some reason the only one I took. 

 Look at that cheese face.  So cute.  Blakely loved the cheeseballs...she must be a Wallis

Me and Blakely

Had to post this.  Sam is sure enjoying his cookie.  And Mili has such a cute smile:)


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