"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Trooper Beesley

While everyone was here we were lucky enough to be part of the tribute to Trooper Beesley.  He was a Utah State Trooper that was killed after falling while rescuing some stranded hikers.  He was buried in the West Point Cemetery so we got to go watch the funeral procession.  It was definitely one of the coolest things I have ever seen.  It amazed me to see all the support shown to him.  And to see the troopers and officers that came from all over the country was amazing.

4th Of July Fun

The 4th of July is probably my favorite holiday.  I was raised to be very patriotic and the 4th of July was always a big celebration in our family.  It is Justins birthday so there were always BBQ's, parades, and fireworks to the max.  The last couple years it has been quite boring.  Without Grandpa and then all my family moving away it just wasn't the same.  Well this year was great!  Almost like old times.  I missed Grandpa and Grandma like crazy but Mel and Jac surprised everyone by coming into town, Spencer and Audra are back in the area and Justin and Lori came for a couple days.  Oh and of course Amy came for the holiday. I am so grateful to live in this great country that affords me so many opportunities and freedoms.  Thank you to my Grandpa for teaching me what it is to be a proud American.  And thank you for all those who sacrafice so much for me to be able to live the life I do in such a beautiful place!

Me and all the crazy kids at the Syracuse fireworks.  Oh and Spencer photo bombing.  One thing I learned with everyone together is that our family loves to photo bomb.

Cute little Reagan

Boston and his crazy eyes

The two favorite aunts.  Though he did tell us I was number 1

All the boys (except the girls photo bombing)

Almost all the girls.  Erma wasn't quite in the mood for pictures

And the whole group

Boston wanted to take a picture of me pulling a face. (I know you are all thinking to yourselves how has no one snatched me up right?)  This is immediately following him taking a picture of my boob (by accident of course) and laughing hysterically.

Cute boys.  They are buddies

The best photo bombing of the entire week done by miss Lou

Boston enjoying the fireworks

Clearfield fireworks

Me and my sisters.  They are my best friends and I miss them like crazy!  It was a blast to have them both around for the whole week.

We got to get pedicures and got matching sandals...aren't we so cute.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lady Utes

Well I am playing the proud aunt right now.  Abby has loved softball for a while now.  And she has always been very good.  Well this year she tried out and made ait on the traveling softball team the Lady Utes.  Vernal is surrounded by ute indian country...so unfortunately their high school and most teams are the Uintah Utes.  Having been a huge BYU fan my whole life you can imagine how difficult it is to cheer for the lady utes...and wear the red.  But this has proved that we will do anything for these crazy kids.  So Amy and I both broke down and bought utah ute shirts to wear to her tournament this last weekend to show our support...and it stung...A LOT!  I will say I was proud to get through it without saying go utes.  I think that would have made me vomit.  I just yelled for Lou and the ladies:)

Lou warming up

She is their only lefty.  She had some good hitting

leading off from first base

And she is home!

Love this picture.  She plays left field and she was all ready.  Also you can see all the dust from the insane winds they had to play in.  It gives it a cool look.

Me and Lou


Amy got to avoid pictures in her shirt because she wore it the day before.  But yes this is hard to look at and hard to post for the world to see.  I really must love that Lou Frew.

Gag me!  Amy cracks me up cause she was trying to look as if she was throwing up through the U...but Justin snapped the picture a little too soon.  And again you can see the crazy winds.

Lou did so good.  Her team played 5 games and in the freaking 100 degree weather.  They are going to be a tough team.  And Lou is seriously a natural.  I am definitely a proud aunt and can't wait to see her in the next tournament next month.

Memorial Day

Man I am just on a roll!  We are all the way to Memorial Day.  I love Memorial Day.  I have been raised to be proud to be an American and to appreciate those who have defended my liberty.  Since I can remember Aunt Norma (Grandma Frews sister) and Jan (her daughter) would come to Utah for Memorial Day.  We would get the flowers and plan the visits and we would make it to everyones graves.  It used to be that I would just go along to spend time with them and Grandma and Grandpa.  Grandpa would take us all over the Hooper cemetary and show us people we were related to.  Then we would have a huge family BBQ.  Grandpa loved his BBQ's.  It is what I miss most on these holidays.  Sadly the last few years it seems like there are more and more to visit.  I still spent Memorial Day with Grandma and Grandpa and even Aunt Norma but I sure don't like it this way.  I am so grateful for those who have made it so I can live in a free country and I am grateful to have been raised in a family that taught me what a blessing it is.

Aunt Norma in Hooper

Jim...Jans husband in Hooper

Grandma and Grandpa

and another...it just still doesn't seem right.

This is my cousin Tyler.  Sadly we lost him not long ago.  His headstone was not in yet but I am so glad Sharon and Gay put this up for him.  He is truly missed.  Another one that just doesn't seem real quite yet.

On Sunday night we go to Salt Lake to Grandpa Lloyds grave and have cookies as a family.  This year I added some cheeseballs to the tradition...which is kind of a inside joke with the Wallis family.  I just couldn't resist knowing they would be there:)

Not a good picture at all but for some reason the only one I took. 

 Look at that cheese face.  So cute.  Blakely loved the cheeseballs...she must be a Wallis

Me and Blakely

Had to post this.  Sam is sure enjoying his cookie.  And Mili has such a cute smile:)


Aidan and his fish

Also while the Lindells were here we went to Jensen Park in Syracuse to bbq and do some fishing.  Aidan turned out to be quite the fisherman.  He LOVED it.  Grandpa even took him out a couple times just the two of them.  The other kids liked it for a minute but quickly lost interest but Aidan was just patient and wanted to learn it all...and it paid off!

He was so excited!  This was after his second fishing trip with just him and Grandpa.  He was super excited to eat it too.

Crazy Bos, me and Reagan at the park.

The flash made him close his eyes but he has such a cute smile.  So I told him to be sure to keep his eyes open and we would try again...

and he sure kept his eyes open.  Cracks me up.  So I told him to try one more and this time just smile...

but still this is all I got.  Cracked me up.

Oh yeah...my crazy family...

I forgot we had pictures taken at the Temple after Amy and Roy got sealed.  I have to share them.  My family is slightly crazy.  But I love it. 

Had to post this one to show my crazy Dad.

The whole fam

Spencer is insane!  In all our pictures there was a crazy one like this and then a good one.  Kind of funny to look at them all.

Our brothers bring us together...thats for sure.  And Justin is proud of it.

This is the one that makes people think maybe we are normal.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Amy and Roy the second time around

Amy and Roy got sealed on their anniversary.  It was great to have everyone here and share such a wonderful day with them.

The happy couple

Look at all these crazy kids!  I love being an aunt.  I have the best bunch of goof balls as nieces and nephews.  I think they get their looks from me:)

Handsome boys

Lou in her beautiful baptism dress.  It was her birthday too and she looked as beautiful as the bride

Love this smile

These boys sure have a good time when they get together

Fun in the bushes

The kids thought it was great to be able to play on the stairs of the Temple

Lou got baptized the next weekend.  She is such a cutie!  I love this girl.