"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer Fun

Well since I haven't really kept up at all on posting we will have to break it into a couple posts.  Now where to begin?  Probably the two main highlights were having Mel and the kids here most of June.  Unfortunately Jac could only come for a few days but we tried to make the most of it.  I spent every minute I could just hanging out with them. 

We started out by having a Justin Bieber Party.  Maddie had been wanting to see his Never Say Never movie so I got it on netflix and we had a sleepover at my house. 

Aidan LOVES Justin Bieber!  He was almost as excited as Maddie to watch the movie

Maddie with Justin Bieber

Boston struck a pose.  I love this boy!

And here they all are stocked up with snacks and ready to start the movie.  Jackson refused to get a picture by the poster but he was at least a good sport and watched the movie with us all.  He HATES Bieber as much as Maddie loves him.

We also went to the zoo while they were here.  Roy had never been to the zoo so we drug him along to see what all the hype was about.

We had a lot of fun that day...wish I had more fun pictures

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