"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer Fun Continued...

Next up in my summer was youth conference and girls camp.  I am the laurel advisor in my ward and love my calling.  I have the best girls and I serve with such amazing women.  We have so much fun.

Here are some of my beautiful girls

Don't they look like they are having fun?

We had a dance party the one night of youth conference and I have to say us leaders put on quite the show.  Some of our girls were a bit obsessed with the cowboys that worked at the camp and so they got permission to have them come to the dance party.  Lets just say this was by far the highlight for these girls...

Kristen and Jen looking AWESOME for our skit...I still am not sure what our skit really was

The girls by the river.  They were crazy and had so much fun tubing

This is the closest we got to a group picture.  We had so much fun!  Love these girls!

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