"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Well I don't have any actual pictures from Thanksgiving but it was such a fun weekend.  Roy ended up getting to come home so he got to experience a Frew Thanksgiving.  Spencer, Audra and their family came in as well.  While they were here we went to Temple Square to see the lights and we went to the Joseph Smith movie while we were there.  It was so much fun even though it was FREEZING!

Awesome red tree.  I love all the lights!

And a white one...

Garrett and Sam

The floating lights.  I think they look so awesome!

Mom and Dad.  Dad couldn't walk with his bad back and you can't see the arm in the big sling but he was a good sport and let us push him around in the wheelchair.  I think he had it best with all those warm blankets on him!

Just thought this pic was cool

This was a set up they had in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  Its the only group photo I got.  It was such a fun weekend.  Amy and Roy had to go back early so Roy could go back to work but I was glad they all got to come home for Thanksgiving.  Being the only one left here I have realized even more than before how much I love my family and love when they come to visit.  I love the kids and how excited they get to see me.  I am so thankful for all of them! 

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