"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Monday, January 5, 2009


Justin and Lori came into town this weekend so we all decided to go bowling. It was a lot of fun!

Maddie and Me...I had to do self portraits of almost all of us...

Aidan and Lou. They are so much fun when they get together

Jackson was so excited to be bowling with his cousins...he just couldn't contain it!

As was Tanner...though his is a little more contained.

This is Aidan showing me his muscles...he was also posing in front of the mirrors in the bathroom. He is so funny!

And here is Aidan again on the motorcyle game. We practically had to pry him off this one.

Here is another self portrait...Me and Lou

And another...Me and Hannah

It was a fun day just chillin with the homies...

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