"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Friday, November 27, 2009

No you are not imagining things...

No your eyes are not playing tricks on you...we have actually started to update our blog. I can't believe we haven't been sharing our great adventures with you all year! I will get see what I can do to catch you up on what our lives have been the last little while...stay tuned and i promise there will be some fun things to see.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Spoiled by Grandpa

So I have to tell a little story about Mya before i explain this picture. My dad told me if I wanted a dog I better find another place to live. I don't listen very well and one weekend while he was working in Vernal we bought Mya. We had a plan all set up that by the time my dad got home we would have her enrolled in obedience school and she would be such a good puppy. So we went and got her and dropped her off at our house for my mom to babysit while we went and got some food and stuff. About 5 minutes later my mom called us freaking out because my dad came home early. We freaked out for a minute and then decided we might as well face him. He was in his office and I walked in holding my cute little puppy. I just said, "Dad don't hate me." He yelled a few choice words at me and then went to his room and slammed the door. After about 10 or 15 minutes he came out. He was still angry but he just couldn't resist her! He asked what her stupid name was and sat next to her and that is all it took! She has had him wrapped around her paw ever since. We have had her for about 2 years now. She really is a good dog. In the summer she pretty much lives with him on the mountain. He loves to buy her treats and toys everytime he goes to the store. This is his latest "treat" he found.
I just had to laugh when she came running down the stairs in this. My dad is such a dork!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Justin and Lori came into town this weekend so we all decided to go bowling. It was a lot of fun!

Maddie and Me...I had to do self portraits of almost all of us...

Aidan and Lou. They are so much fun when they get together

Jackson was so excited to be bowling with his cousins...he just couldn't contain it!

As was Tanner...though his is a little more contained.

This is Aidan showing me his muscles...he was also posing in front of the mirrors in the bathroom. He is so funny!

And here is Aidan again on the motorcyle game. We practically had to pry him off this one.

Here is another self portrait...Me and Lou

And another...Me and Hannah

It was a fun day just chillin with the homies...

Christmas Day

Well Santa luckily found our house again this year...

This is my cute new cabbage patch named Cleo

And here is Amy with her Cabbage Patch named Harlene

Amy also got dance dance revolution...she is getting good

Aidan is pretty good too

This is the awesome hat Amy and I got Aidan in disneyland...there were grown men wearing them around the park. Perfect for a Lightning fan!

Spencer and Audra and their fam spent Christmas at our house this year...this is Mili with her new Dora chair

And here is Garret with his cool new race track

And of course Taylor with her new Barbies. It was a great Christmas!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at Grandma Lloyds house...

Aren't they such a cute Mary and Joseph? Joseph looks very excited!
These are some very wise men! I love that even though we have grown up we still all participate. And we even still dress up.

Cute little Angel

And some very cute shepherds.

Uncle Scott was blinded by the light...he tried to get me back but just blinded himself some more

And of course the cute three sisters...it may look like a self portrait but it is just a close up by Scott