The 4th of July is probably my favorite holiday. I was raised to be very patriotic and the 4th of July was always a big celebration in our family. It is Justins birthday so there were always BBQ's, parades, and fireworks to the max. The last couple years it has been quite boring. Without Grandpa and then all my family moving away it just wasn't the same. Well this year was great! Almost like old times. I missed Grandpa and Grandma like crazy but Mel and Jac surprised everyone by coming into town, Spencer and Audra are back in the area and Justin and Lori came for a couple days. Oh and of course Amy came for the holiday. I am so grateful to live in this great country that affords me so many opportunities and freedoms. Thank you to my Grandpa for teaching me what it is to be a proud American. And thank you for all those who sacrafice so much for me to be able to live the life I do in such a beautiful place!
Me and all the crazy kids at the Syracuse fireworks. Oh and Spencer photo bombing. One thing I learned with everyone together is that our family loves to photo bomb.
Cute little Reagan
Boston and his crazy eyes
The two favorite aunts. Though he did tell us I was number 1
All the boys (except the girls photo bombing)
Almost all the girls. Erma wasn't quite in the mood for pictures
And the whole group
Boston wanted to take a picture of me pulling a face. (I know you are all thinking to yourselves how has no one snatched me up right?) This is immediately following him taking a picture of my boob (by accident of course) and laughing hysterically.
Cute boys. They are buddies
The best photo bombing of the entire week done by miss Lou
Boston enjoying the fireworks
Clearfield fireworks
Me and my sisters. They are my best friends and I miss them like crazy! It was a blast to have them both around for the whole week.
We got to get pedicures and got matching sandals...aren't we so cute.