"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Monday, November 7, 2011


I love the time of year we are coming into.  I love Christmas but sometimes we all seem to overlook Thanksgiving.  This is one of my favorite songs and wanted to share.  This year has been quite a hard one for many reasons so it has been good for me to listen to this song and remember that I do have so much to be thankful for.  I have been trying to think of 1 thing to be thankful for each day and though that should be something easy to do it is quite difficult some days.  I am so grateful to have the love and support of so many people in my life.  I know that things happen for a reason and that we are better because of it so lets hope that I learn what I need to from this year and I hope a better one is on its way.


It was that time of year again.  I love the hunting season.  I love going to Flaming Gorge and seeing the way it looks in the fall and I love spending the time with my family and the Barbers.  We always have a good time.  I only got to go up for one short weekend so I only got a couple pics.

Apparently pulling a silly face means looking towards the ground...these girls crack me up!

I love this picture.  She is so dang cute.

I told her to smile and this is what I got.  I didn't even realize it until I was looking at the pictures later.  What a dork.

The awesome bald eagle we saw.  My dad got it to fly for me to take a picture of the full wing span but when I snapped all I got was the blue sky.

Goodbye House

Well we sold my Grandma and Grandpa Frews house that is right across the street.  It is bitter sweet.  Grandma hasn't lived there for a while now but it is still hard to see it go to someone else.  Every time I drive by I still glance at the porch and expect to see Grandpa with his big grin and wave.  Mel had me take some pictures for her so hey why not blog about it. 

We had a lot of fun at this house and in this backyard.  I am so grateful for my family and the great relationships I have been lucky enough to have with my Grandparents. 

The Big 30

I guess I should catch up on a couple big events.  In August I turned 30 and I try to forget but here is a  quick look at what my day looked like.

The lovely balloons from Amy

My Moms beautiful art work

Thanks to my friends...though it was better than being weinerized...

It was just another day.  I did luck out that most of my family all lives away so they didn't do too much damage.