"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Trip to the Zoo!

Yesterday we went to the zoo. It started out a little cloudy and gloomy but ended up being a really nice day.

For a picnic we stopped. Eat fresh we must.

We couldn't ever find the real gorillas but check out this guy!

I wouldn't want to come across either of these two in a dark alley!

We had to pay a dollar extra to ride this stupid train that lasted all of about 5 minutes. But at least the kids had fun!

Yoda and his cousins Maddie, Jackson, and Aidan.

What a fun day at the zoo!

Front Runner

A couple weekends ago we rode the front runner down to Salt Lake. We spent the day shopping at Gateway and visiting Grandpa Frew.

Don't they look soooo excited?!

We all had tons of fun but by the end of the day this picture pretty much explains how we all felt.